59 research outputs found

    Domain-independent Bayesian Model For Aspect Category Detection And Distributed Vector For Implicit Aspect Extraction

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    The development of Web 2.0 has improved peoples’ ability to share their sentiments, or opinions, on various services or products easily. This is to investigate the public opinions that are expressed within the reviews. Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) deemed to receive a set of texts (e.g., product reviews or online reviews) and identify the opinion-target (aspect) within each review. Contemporary aspect-based sentiment analysis systems, like the aspect grouping, rely predominantly on lexicon-based and manually labelled seeds that is being incorporated into the topic models. The previously developed systems for Aspect Category Detection (ACD) rely mostly on supervised machine learning techniques. The problem of implicit aspect extraction is being addressed using either pre-constructed rules or pre-labelled clues for performing implicit aspect detection. To cope with these issues, Bayesian probabilistic models proposed to perform the aspect grouping, ACD, and distributed vectors for implicit aspect extraction. Parametric and non-parametric Bayesian models are developed to conduct both the annotated and non-annotated data, that are; Topic-seeds Latent Dirichlet allocation (TSLDA) and Hierarchical Dirichlet Process-Collapsed Gibbs Sampling (HDP-CGS), respectively. The yielded aspect groups using the developed Bayesian models fed into the advised distributed vector (i.e., Skip-gram) for implicit aspect extraction. The proposed methodology evaluated using several online reviews benchmark datasets (including datasets annotated using reviews retrieved from Amazon.com and TripAdvisor.com)

    Resin-supported arylstannanes as precursors for radiolabeling with iodine: benzaldehydes, benzoic acids, benzamides, and NHS esters

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    A highly cross-linked polystyrene resin bearing a reactive chlorostannane moiety 1 has been used to generate a variety of arylstannane radiopharmaceutical precursors for no-carrier-added radioiodination. The resins were characterized for their solvent compatibility and sensitivity to acid cleavage. Resin-supported arylstannanes synthesized via their aryl lithium analogues include 3- and 4-stannylbenzaldehydes, 3- and 4-stannylbenzoic acids, and 3- and 4-N-succinimidyl benzoates. A three-step route to the resin-supported stannylbenzoic acids 12a/b was developed through resin-supported benzaldehydes 11a/b. The aldehyde to acid conversion efficiency is \u3e90%, and acid loading capacities of 0.66–0.94 mmol/g were obtained. Resin-supported N-succinimidyl benzoates 16a/b were prepared from the acid with 78%–84% conversion efficiency. Libraries of resin-supported benzamides 19a/b prepared from amine conjugation to corresponding benzoic acids or N-succinimidyl benzoates are described. A third approach describes the preparation of resin-supported benzamides via direct conjugation of the dilithio salt of the intact benzamide to the chlorostannane resin 1. Lastly, as proof-of-principle, a radiolabeling study with iodine-131 (131I) was performed with a resin-supported benzamide to afford the corresponding radioligand in moderate yields, and high radiochemical purity

    Trajectory Optimization of Smart City Scenarios Using Learning Model Predictive Control

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    Smart cities embrace cutting-edge technologies to improve transportation efficiency and safety. With the rollout of 5G and an ever-growing network of connected infrastructure sensors, real-time road condition awareness is becoming a reality. However, this progress brings new challenges. The communication and vast amounts of data generated by autonomous vehicles and the connected infrastructure must be navigated. Furthermore, different levels of autonomous driving (ranging from 0 to 5) are rolled out gradually and human-driven vehicles will continue to share the roads with autonomous vehicles for some time. In this work, we apply a data-driven control scheme called Learning Model Predictive Control (LMPC) to three different smart city scenarios of increasing complexity. Given a successful execution of a scenario, LMPC uses the trajectory data from previous executions to improve the performance of subsequent executions while guaranteeing safety and recursive feasibility. Furthermore, the performance from one execution to another is guaranteed to be non-decreasing. For our three smart-city scenarios, we apply a minimum time objective and start with a single vehicle in a two-lane intersection. Then, we add an obstacle on the lane of the ego vehicle, and lastly, we add oncoming traffic. We find that LMPC gives us improved traffic efficiency with shorter travel. However, we find that LMPC may not be suitable for real-time training in smart city scenarios. Thus, we conclude that this approach is suitable for simulator-driven, offline, training on any trajectory data that might be generated from autonomous vehicles and the infrastructure sensors in future smart cities. Over time, this can be used to construct large data sets of optimal trajectories which are available for the connected vehicles in most urban scenarios.Smarta stÀder anvÀnder modern teknik för att förbÀttra transporteffektiviteten och sÀkerheten. Med införandet av 5G och ett allt större nÀtverk av uppkopplade sensorsystem för infrastruktur blir realtidsmedvetenhet om vÀgförhÄllandena en verklighet. Denna utveckling medför nya utmaningar. Kommunikationen mellan autonoma fordon och uppkopplade sensorsystem ger upphov till stora mÀngder data som mÄste hanteras. Dessutom kommer fordon med olika autocnominivÄer (frÄn 0 till 5) att behöva dela gatorna tillsammans med mÀnniskostyrda fordon samtidigt under en tid. I detta arbete tillÀmpar vi en datadriven reglermetod som heter Learning Model Predictive Control (LMPC) pÄ tre olika scenarier i en smart stad med ökande komplexitet. LMPC utnyttjar data frÄn en tidigare lyckad körning av ett visst scenario för att förbÀttra prestandan pÄ efterföljande körningar samtidigt som sÀkerheten och rekursiv genomförbarhet garanteras. Vidare garanteras att prestandan frÄn en körning till en annan inte minskar. För vÄra tre scenarier Àr mÄlet att minimerar restiden och börjar med ett enda fordon i en tvÄfilig korsning. Sedan lÀgger vi till ett hinder pÄ högra filen och till sist lÀgger vi till mötande trafik. Vi finner att LMPC ger oss förbÀttrad trafikeffektivitet med kortare restid. Vi finner dock att LMPC mÄ vara mindre lÀmplig för realtids scenarier. SÄledes drar vi slutsatsen att denna metod Àr lÀmplig för optimering i simulatorer, offline, pÄ data som kan genereras frÄn autonoma fordon och sensorsystemet i infrastrukturen. SÄ smÄningom kan vÄr metod anvÀndas för att konstruera stora dataset av optimala trajektorier som Àr tillgÀngliga för uppkopplade fordon i framtidens smarta stÀder

    Trajectory Optimization of Smart City Scenarios Using Learning Model Predictive Control

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    Smart cities embrace cutting-edge technologies to improve transportation efficiency and safety. With the rollout of 5G and an ever-growing network of connected infrastructure sensors, real-time road condition awareness is becoming a reality. However, this progress brings new challenges. The communication and vast amounts of data generated by autonomous vehicles and the connected infrastructure must be navigated. Furthermore, different levels of autonomous driving (ranging from 0 to 5) are rolled out gradually and human-driven vehicles will continue to share the roads with autonomous vehicles for some time. In this work, we apply a data-driven control scheme called Learning Model Predictive Control (LMPC) to three different smart city scenarios of increasing complexity. Given a successful execution of a scenario, LMPC uses the trajectory data from previous executions to improve the performance of subsequent executions while guaranteeing safety and recursive feasibility. Furthermore, the performance from one execution to another is guaranteed to be non-decreasing. For our three smart-city scenarios, we apply a minimum time objective and start with a single vehicle in a two-lane intersection. Then, we add an obstacle on the lane of the ego vehicle, and lastly, we add oncoming traffic. We find that LMPC gives us improved traffic efficiency with shorter travel. However, we find that LMPC may not be suitable for real-time training in smart city scenarios. Thus, we conclude that this approach is suitable for simulator-driven, offline, training on any trajectory data that might be generated from autonomous vehicles and the infrastructure sensors in future smart cities. Over time, this can be used to construct large data sets of optimal trajectories which are available for the connected vehicles in most urban scenarios.Smarta stÀder anvÀnder modern teknik för att förbÀttra transporteffektiviteten och sÀkerheten. Med införandet av 5G och ett allt större nÀtverk av uppkopplade sensorsystem för infrastruktur blir realtidsmedvetenhet om vÀgförhÄllandena en verklighet. Denna utveckling medför nya utmaningar. Kommunikationen mellan autonoma fordon och uppkopplade sensorsystem ger upphov till stora mÀngder data som mÄste hanteras. Dessutom kommer fordon med olika autocnominivÄer (frÄn 0 till 5) att behöva dela gatorna tillsammans med mÀnniskostyrda fordon samtidigt under en tid. I detta arbete tillÀmpar vi en datadriven reglermetod som heter Learning Model Predictive Control (LMPC) pÄ tre olika scenarier i en smart stad med ökande komplexitet. LMPC utnyttjar data frÄn en tidigare lyckad körning av ett visst scenario för att förbÀttra prestandan pÄ efterföljande körningar samtidigt som sÀkerheten och rekursiv genomförbarhet garanteras. Vidare garanteras att prestandan frÄn en körning till en annan inte minskar. För vÄra tre scenarier Àr mÄlet att minimerar restiden och börjar med ett enda fordon i en tvÄfilig korsning. Sedan lÀgger vi till ett hinder pÄ högra filen och till sist lÀgger vi till mötande trafik. Vi finner att LMPC ger oss förbÀttrad trafikeffektivitet med kortare restid. Vi finner dock att LMPC mÄ vara mindre lÀmplig för realtids scenarier. SÄledes drar vi slutsatsen att denna metod Àr lÀmplig för optimering i simulatorer, offline, pÄ data som kan genereras frÄn autonoma fordon och sensorsystemet i infrastrukturen. SÄ smÄningom kan vÄr metod anvÀndas för att konstruera stora dataset av optimala trajektorier som Àr tillgÀngliga för uppkopplade fordon i framtidens smarta stÀder

    A Generic Subsystem Simulator - Applied to the Antenna Subsystem of the MIST Student Satellite

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    Funktionell testning Àr en viktig process nÀr man bygger en satellit. Det Àr emellertid inte lÀmpligt att ofta anvÀnda fÀrdig flyghÄrdvara för testning. Arbetet i detta projekt har varit att konstruera en flygrepresentaterande modell av antennutrustningen för den KTH-studentbyggda MIST-satelliten. Specifikt har fokus varit att skapa en fysisk simulator för antennsystemet. Syftet med simulatorn Àr att uppnÄ det korrekta beteendet, men utan att behöva anvÀnda den verkliga flyghÄrdvaran. Utmaningarna handlar frÀmst om att upprÀtta kommunikation mellan satellitdatorn och mikrokontrollen i den skapade simulatorn via I2C-bussen och se till att fysiska svar upptrÀder pÄ ett anvÀndbart sÀtt. Vidare behövde simulatornimplementera programvara med samma funktionalitet som det verkliga systemet. Mikrokontrollern som anvÀndes i detta projekt var en Arduino Due som representerade det verkliga antennsystemets mikrokontroller. Alla funktioner, t.ex. temperaturgivare och lysdioder, sattes samman pÄ en skrÀddarsydd tillÀggskrets för Arduino. Dessutom har en 3D-utskriven modell gjorts för antennelementets utfÀllningsmekanism. En simulering av antennsystemet har producerats och bestÀmmer huruvida en specialbyggd simulator kan anvÀndas för funktionell testning av antennutföringssystemet. Simulatorn kan senare anvÀndas för funktionell testning av MIST-satelliten och ocksÄ vara basen för testning av utfÀllningen av solpaneler.Functional testing is a vital process when building a satellite. However, often using flight-ready hardware for testing is not feasible. The work in this project has been to construct a flight representative model of the antenna deployment system for the KTH student-built MIST satellite. Specifically, the focus has been on creating a physical simulator for the antenna system. The purpose of the simulator created is to achieve the correct behavior, but without the need to use the real flight hardware. The challenges mainly concern establishing communication between the on-board computer of the satellite and the microcontroller on the created antenna deployment system, via the I2^2C bus, and ensuring that physical responses occur in a useful manner. Further, the simulator needed to implement software with the same functionality as the real system. The microcontroller used in this project was an Arduino Due that represented the antenna deployment system's microcontroller. All the functions, e.g. temperature sensor and LEDs, were put together on a custom-made add-on circuit for the Arduino. Moreover, a 3D-printed model has been made for the deployment mechanism of the antenna elements. A simulation of the antenna system has been produced, determining whether a custom-built simulator can be used for functional testing of the antenna deployment system. The simulator can later be used for functional testing of the MIST satellite and also be the base for testing the deployment of the solar panels.

    Effect of Spinal Versus General Anesthesia on Pulmonary Functions among Adults at Al-Sadder Medical City: Comparative Study

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    AbstractObjective: The study aims to detect the effect of spinal versus general anesthesia on pulmonary function and find out the relationships between patients’ pulmonary functions post- surgery and their demographic and clinical characteristics.Methodology: A comparative study design carried out through the present study in order to achieve the early stated aims. The study started from 21 December 2015 to 30 April 2016 The study conducted in Al-Sadder medical city. Quota sample of (100) patients were included in the present study, (50) patients received general anesthesia and (50) patients received spinal anesthesia. The patients’ demographic and clinical data collected through the utilization the semi-structured questionnaire and by means of interview technique with the subject, while the pulmonary functions test collected by using spirometer instrument. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistic (percentage and Frequencies) and inferential (person s correlation coefficient, independent sample t-test, and paired t-test).Results: shows that higher of patient are within the age interval about 39-47 years old %),equal ratio of gender are male (50%)and female, there are highly significant of body mass index is normal (70%), most of patient are non-smoker (47%), most of patient non-worker is, high ratio of operation in the lower of body, all of patient without respiratory disorder, more the patient without chronic disease, The study results indicate that there is a significant effect of the anesthesia on the patients’ pulmonary functions test and the general anesthesia is negatively affect the pulmonary functions more than the spinal anesthesia. In addition, that there is a high significant relationship between the pulmonary functions pre and post general anesthesia and high significant relation between the pulmonary functions pre and post spinal anesthesia and high significant relation between the pulmonary functions post-anesthesia and the types of anesthesia.Conclusions: The study concluded that anesthesia has effect on pulmonary function.Recommendations: The study recommended that breathing techniques should use for patients before anesthesia and smoking cessation before 4-8 weeks from surgery Studies should evaluate the clinical effects of different anesthesia regimes in patients with compromised lung function, and Reduction in FVC after surgery should influence the clinician’s decision at this time when choosing between general and spinal anesthesia depends on the particular clinical situation, possible other disorders, and the surgical demands.Keywords: Effect, Anesthesia, Pulmonary Functions Test, Surgery in Adults

    A Generic Subsystem Simulator - Applied to the Antenna Subsystem of the MIST Student Satellite

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    Funktionell testning Àr en viktig process nÀr man bygger en satellit. Det Àr emellertid inte lÀmpligt att ofta anvÀnda fÀrdig flyghÄrdvara för testning. Arbetet i detta projekt har varit att konstruera en flygrepresentaterande modell av antennutrustningen för den KTH-studentbyggda MIST-satelliten. Specifikt har fokus varit att skapa en fysisk simulator för antennsystemet. Syftet med simulatorn Àr att uppnÄ det korrekta beteendet, men utan att behöva anvÀnda den verkliga flyghÄrdvaran. Utmaningarna handlar frÀmst om att upprÀtta kommunikation mellan satellitdatorn och mikrokontrollen i den skapade simulatorn via I2C-bussen och se till att fysiska svar upptrÀder pÄ ett anvÀndbart sÀtt. Vidare behövde simulatornimplementera programvara med samma funktionalitet som det verkliga systemet. Mikrokontrollern som anvÀndes i detta projekt var en Arduino Due som representerade det verkliga antennsystemets mikrokontroller. Alla funktioner, t.ex. temperaturgivare och lysdioder, sattes samman pÄ en skrÀddarsydd tillÀggskrets för Arduino. Dessutom har en 3D-utskriven modell gjorts för antennelementets utfÀllningsmekanism. En simulering av antennsystemet har producerats och bestÀmmer huruvida en specialbyggd simulator kan anvÀndas för funktionell testning av antennutföringssystemet. Simulatorn kan senare anvÀndas för funktionell testning av MIST-satelliten och ocksÄ vara basen för testning av utfÀllningen av solpaneler.Functional testing is a vital process when building a satellite. However, often using flight-ready hardware for testing is not feasible. The work in this project has been to construct a flight representative model of the antenna deployment system for the KTH student-built MIST satellite. Specifically, the focus has been on creating a physical simulator for the antenna system. The purpose of the simulator created is to achieve the correct behavior, but without the need to use the real flight hardware. The challenges mainly concern establishing communication between the on-board computer of the satellite and the microcontroller on the created antenna deployment system, via the I2^2C bus, and ensuring that physical responses occur in a useful manner. Further, the simulator needed to implement software with the same functionality as the real system. The microcontroller used in this project was an Arduino Due that represented the antenna deployment system's microcontroller. All the functions, e.g. temperature sensor and LEDs, were put together on a custom-made add-on circuit for the Arduino. Moreover, a 3D-printed model has been made for the deployment mechanism of the antenna elements. A simulation of the antenna system has been produced, determining whether a custom-built simulator can be used for functional testing of the antenna deployment system. The simulator can later be used for functional testing of the MIST satellite and also be the base for testing the deployment of the solar panels.

    A Generic Subsystem Simulator - Applied to the Antenna Subsystem of the MIST Student Satellite

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    Funktionell testning Àr en viktig process nÀr man bygger en satellit. Det Àr emellertid inte lÀmpligt att ofta anvÀnda fÀrdig flyghÄrdvara för testning. Arbetet i detta projekt har varit att konstruera en flygrepresentaterande modell av antennutrustningen för den KTH-studentbyggda MIST-satelliten. Specifikt har fokus varit att skapa en fysisk simulator för antennsystemet. Syftet med simulatorn Àr att uppnÄ det korrekta beteendet, men utan att behöva anvÀnda den verkliga flyghÄrdvaran. Utmaningarna handlar frÀmst om att upprÀtta kommunikation mellan satellitdatorn och mikrokontrollen i den skapade simulatorn via I2C-bussen och se till att fysiska svar upptrÀder pÄ ett anvÀndbart sÀtt. Vidare behövde simulatornimplementera programvara med samma funktionalitet som det verkliga systemet. Mikrokontrollern som anvÀndes i detta projekt var en Arduino Due som representerade det verkliga antennsystemets mikrokontroller. Alla funktioner, t.ex. temperaturgivare och lysdioder, sattes samman pÄ en skrÀddarsydd tillÀggskrets för Arduino. Dessutom har en 3D-utskriven modell gjorts för antennelementets utfÀllningsmekanism. En simulering av antennsystemet har producerats och bestÀmmer huruvida en specialbyggd simulator kan anvÀndas för funktionell testning av antennutföringssystemet. Simulatorn kan senare anvÀndas för funktionell testning av MIST-satelliten och ocksÄ vara basen för testning av utfÀllningen av solpaneler.Functional testing is a vital process when building a satellite. However, often using flight-ready hardware for testing is not feasible. The work in this project has been to construct a flight representative model of the antenna deployment system for the KTH student-built MIST satellite. Specifically, the focus has been on creating a physical simulator for the antenna system. The purpose of the simulator created is to achieve the correct behavior, but without the need to use the real flight hardware. The challenges mainly concern establishing communication between the on-board computer of the satellite and the microcontroller on the created antenna deployment system, via the I2^2C bus, and ensuring that physical responses occur in a useful manner. Further, the simulator needed to implement software with the same functionality as the real system. The microcontroller used in this project was an Arduino Due that represented the antenna deployment system's microcontroller. All the functions, e.g. temperature sensor and LEDs, were put together on a custom-made add-on circuit for the Arduino. Moreover, a 3D-printed model has been made for the deployment mechanism of the antenna elements. A simulation of the antenna system has been produced, determining whether a custom-built simulator can be used for functional testing of the antenna deployment system. The simulator can later be used for functional testing of the MIST satellite and also be the base for testing the deployment of the solar panels.


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    Some blood variable and reduced Glutathione (GSH) concentration had been studied besides lipid peroxides (Malondialdehyde (MDA)) and the concentration of trace ions of the element (Fe+2 , Cu+2 , Zn+2) in the blood serum of ill mace children. The study including sixty children suffering of acute hemolytic anemia of ages between (1-10)years ,more over another 30 healthy childs appearance of the some ages as a control group . The result indicated significant decrease at (P ≀ 0.05) of the activity of the enzyme G6PD in the children suffering illness due to the enzymatic deficiency in comparison with healthy children where the value of the enzyme activity recorded illustrated that the suffered children recorded (1.77 ± 0.71) U/g.Hb while the healthy children was (12.64 ± 2.40) U/g.Hb . The result also showed the children suffering G6PD lack recorded low significant result (P ≀ 0.05) at both the concentration of hemoglobin , site of packed red blood cells , reduced Glutathione and the concentration of Zn+2 relatively to healthy, where its concentration for the suffering children (5.82 ± 1.16) g/dl , (18.43 ± 3.81) % , (2.95 ± 0.99) ”mol/l and (15.78 ± 4.23) ”mol/l while for the healthy were (11.95 ± 0.67) g/dl , (37.76 ± 1.98) % , (7.80 ± 2.20) ”mol/l , (20.60±3.06) ”mol/l respectively. While it revealed significant elevation (P ≀ 0.05) at both white blood cells and the MDA concentration ,besides the concentration of Fe+2 and Cu+2 at the Infected children regarding the healthy children. Where by its concentration at Infected children (8.46 ± 2.03)*103 cell/mm3 , (20.83 ± 7.75) ”mol/l , (81.75 ± 48.58) ”mol/l and (44.29 ± 10.88) ”mol/l. while for healthy were (16.14 ± 5.57)*103 cell/mm3 , (8.98 ± 2.47) ”mol/l , (33.48 ± 5.23) ”mol/l and (33.19 ± 6.76) ”mol/l. respectively
